2025 Winter/Spring Cohort
Editorial Interns
Elsie Carson-Holt
Lazo Gitchos
Ophelia Jackson
Alexandra Adelina Nita
Ivonne Ortiz
Publishing Intern
Phoebe Grandi
By Nicole Santiago In the summer of 2019, my family and I went on a trip to the Dominican Republic which was meaningful to all of us. There were about 20 of us crammed on a bus, living life, blasting music, and having fun. Meeting new cousins, uncles, and aunts you didn’t know you had […]
By Giannie Arana It was only supposed to be a two week shutdown, not an ongoing three years of dejection. Droplets of tragedy started pouring on us all as the vicious gray sky clouded the world in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The unknown was chilling, as contracting the virus was like signing […]
By: Diana Villano I stood there, watching you stutter, “My daughter is here, she talk to you.” How many times have I heard that phrase? Too many to count. As I watched you frantically motion me over, I turned to the door. The wooden half-black painted barrier stood shut. I shrugged hoping you’d get the […]
By Sheema Zaira Engulfed by a forever blazing sun, in a village of scattered bricks and stray dogs, a train roars across the railway. It jolts the villagers awake like an outlet’s occasional electric shock. In this village, everyone knows each other’s business, as if they all live in transparent glass buildings instead of cramped, […]
by Natalia Oseida-Banguero “You learn something new every day.” Today I learned that I have no talent when it comes to writing. A fellow journalist gifted me this knowledge. And yet, I still do consider myself a journalist. It was a test taking day when I read her piece. The test booklet was handed to […]
After a school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on February 14, 2018, hundreds of thousands of young people pushed for stronger gun control measures. How has their advocacy changed since?