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By forming intergenerational coalitions that focus on shared values rather than divisive stereotypes, young people can learn from the fights that came before them. “We are not the first ones to be engaging with these issues.” By Rania Soetirto Following the 2022 midterm elections, Gen Z were largely credited by Democratic politicians and pundits for stopping […]
The idea that borrowers would use President Biden’s student debt cancellation to fund a luxurious lifestyle is not only insensitive but out of touch with reality. By Sabrina Cereceres In November, CNBC published an article arguing that borrowers benefiting from President Biden’s student debt cancellation plan will largely spend their savings on “non-essential” items, citing a poll from […]
By rejecting a successful referendum calling for gender-inclusive language and admissions, the university continues to ignore its trans and nonbinary students. By Hunter Dodrill On February 27, “Trans Students Belong At Wellesley” brought a non-binding referendum to the student senate at Wellesley College. The initiative was split into two proposals. The first called for the use of gender-neutral […]
The number of student food gardens has risen dramatically at prestigious urban and suburban colleges, but these campus farms should be wary of overstating their impact. By Rachel Brooks Yale and Princeton universities offer $8,000 meal plans, but they also grow their own vegetables. Among prestigious urban and suburban colleges, they aren’t alone. The student-run-farm model, […]
After the Duke Graduate Students Union filed for an election, the university announced that it would challenge the NLRB decision from 2016 that granted graduate workers across the country the right to organize. By: Anita Simha Earlier this month, after the Duke Graduate Students Union filed for an election with the National Labor Relations Board, the university […]
The ADL recently tracked around 30 cases of anti-Semitic harassment, vandalism, and banner drops that directly reference Ye, many of which took place at high schools and universities. By Zurie Pope In 2020, musician and fashion designer Kanye West—now known as Ye—announced his candidacy for president. The West campaign was defined by consistent use of Christian […]