August 11, 2023
Kentucky’s Anti-LGBTQ “Parental Rights” Law Is a Disaster for Families, Teachers, and Kids
By Peter Lucas
SB 150 recommends that schools use incorrect pronouns and limit sex education, while banning gender-affirming care for trans minors. “They’re actively targeting us.”
When Kentucky Senate Bill 150 was introduced in February, it was opposed by the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Human Rights Commission and 71 percent of Kentuckians. The bill would ban gender-affirming care for trans minors, require them to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender at birth, recommend that teachers use incorrect pronouns, and limit education on “human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases.”
Still, it passed the House and the Senate. When Democratic Governor Andy Beshear vetoed the bill, saying it “strips freedom from parents” and will “endanger the children of Kentucky,” his veto was overridden. The bill finally passed on March 29. The same day, the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky announced that it was planning to file a lawsuit against “one of the worst anti-trans bills in the country.”
“Implementing the restrictions proposed by SB 150 will not change the number of LGBTQ children in schools,” said psychologist Laurie Grimes to lawmakers. “They’ll still be there, and they’ll still have needs, but they will no longer be in a safe and accepting environment.” Chris Hartman, director of the LGBTQ advocacy group the Fairness Campaign, was more forthright. “You’re going to kill kids,” said Hartman. “Their blood will be on your hands.”